Monday 30 July 2012

Spinach Bhaji / Palak Sukhi Bhaji

Time 25 min
Spinach leaves 1 bunch
Moong daal 2 tsp
Copped green chillies 2
Crushed garlic cloves 3-4
Water 1 cup
Salt to taste
Oil 2tsp
Soak moong daalin water for atleast 2 hrs.
Heat oil in pan. Add garlic and green chiles. After garlic becomes golden brown. Add chopped spinach leaves, soaked moong daal. Add 3/2 cup of water. Cover with lid and cook for 5-6 min. Then add salt, mix well and cook till it is done. If required water then add 2 tbsp of water. Serve with bhakari.

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