Friday 9 November 2012

Rava Ladoo

Time 45 min  
Semolina / Rava 1 cup
Ghee 1/4 cup
Kismis 1 tsp
Cardamom powder 1/2 tsp
For Syrup: Sugar 1/2 cup + water 3/4 cup

Take thick bottom pan, heat ghee then make the low flame throughout the procedure. Then add rava, fry continuously around 15-20 min till it turns light pink in colour and spreads nice aroma. Switch off the flame. Then add cardamom powder. Mix well. Keep it aside. 
Now make sugar syrup. For that put the water and sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil keeping medium-high flame. When the syrup comes to a boil, turn the heat down to medium and stir to dissolve the sugar completely. Let it simmer until the syrup turns ektari syrup (see in the tip how to identify ektari syrup). Pour this syrup in the pan containing rava mixture. Keep it for 6-7 min. Remember to add syrup spoon by spoon. If possible keep aside 1-2 tsp syrup if it is required then add. If syrup is excess then u will not able to make ladoos

To make the ladoos, take big spoonful of the rava mixture & 1-2  kismis into your palm. Gently squeeze the mixture between both palms to shape into a round ball about the size of a golf ball or bigger. You can make the ladoos larger or smaller as per your need. Make ladoos when the mixture is hot otherwise you will not able to make ladoos with cold mixture.

Use very thin kind of semolina to make ladoos. 
Keep half of ladoos in refrigerator, which can be consumed when the ladoos which are kept outside are over.
If sugar syrup is ektari then ladoos are soft otherwise with dontari syrup it becomes hard.
Ektari syrup: put drop of syrup on the index finger, over that drop put thumb and then gently separate if it makes one string then it is ektari. This is ideal for all types of ladoos.

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